Berry Burst

Berry Burst

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  • Sub Category Name
  • Recipe Source Name
    Real High Tea Australia Volume 2


Almond crust
  • 10 packets gyoza skin
  • 2 egg white
  • 100g almond flakes, finely chopped
Berry custard
  • 100g strawberry brunoise
  • 250g milk
  • 40g egg yolk
  • 62g sugar
  • 25g custard powder
  • 25g butter
  • 3 Dilmah Exceptional Berry Sensation tea bags
Berry jam
  • 9 Dilmah Exceptional Berry Sensation tea bags
  • 600ml water
  • 92g sugar
  • 7g agar
To assemble
  • Icing sugar
  • Mint leaf

Methods and Directions

Almond crust 
  • Brush the border of a gyoza skin with egg white. Paste the next sheet on the wet surface. Cut with ring mould.
  • Heat oil, deep fry the gyoza skin till light golden grown. Coat with egg white, followed by almond. Cool and store in airtight container.
Berry custard 
  • Place milk and sugar in a saucepan and bring to boil.
  • Place the Berries tea into the milk and infuse for 6 minutes, then sieve.
  • Place mixture over low heat, stir in the egg yolk and sugar, stir and cook till thick.
  • Remove the mixture from the heat and stir in the butter to get a smooth texture.
  • Fold in the strawberry.
  • Keep the custard in the fridge before use.
Berry jam 
  • Boil water and add in the Dilmah Exceptional Berry Sensation tea.
  • Steep for 6 minutes, remove the tea bags, stir in the sugar and cool.
  • Add in the agar, let it warm for 30 minutes, stirring once in a while. Cool in fridge.
  • Use a thermomix and blend till jam-like.
To assemble 
  • Make a hole in the almond crust. Pipe in the berry jam, followed by the berry mousse. Garnish with mint leaf and icing sugar.

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED © 2024 Dilmah Recipes| Dilmah Ceylon Tea Company PLC Printed From 03/07/2024