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Shaun Thompson
Geoff Laws

  • Sub Category Name
  • Recipe Source Name
    Real High Tea 2014/15 Volume 2


  • 4 large eggs
  • 115g castor sugar
  • 115g icing sugar
  • Pinch of Salt
  • 1 cup cream
  • 3 tbsp caster sugar
  • 1 vanilla bean
  • 525g dark chocolate
  • 50g extra virgin olive oil
  • 175g thickened cream

Methods and Directions

Pavlova Meringue
  • Preheat oven to 120C. Using a electric mixer, whisk 4 large egg whites on a low speed for 1 minute, then increase the speed to medium and whisk for another 2-3 minutes or until the egg whites form stiff peaks.
  • Whilst continuing to whisk, add sugar and icing sugar, a tablespoon at a time, until the mix is stiff and glossy.
  • Shape the meringue on a lined baking tray and bake for 20 minutes, or until the meringues are pale and dry.
Crème Patisserie
  • Whisk 4 large egg yolks & sugar together. Boil ¾ cup cream over a medium heat and add egg/sugar mix.
  • Once free of lumps, warm the other ¼ cup of cream and when it begins to boil, add it to the egg mix and stir well.
  • Return all to saucepan and place over high heat. Cook until thickened (about 1 min).
  • Reduce heat to medium and whisk until cream becomes shiny. Transfer to a bowl and add vanilla.
  • Place plastic wrap over surface and allow to cool.
Choc Mousse
  • Melt 125g chocolate in a bain-marie and slowly add oil.
  • Whip thickened cream and combine with chocolate once it has reached 55C. Refrigerate.

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED © 2024 Dilmah Recipes| Dilmah Ceylon Tea Company PLC Printed From 03/07/2024