Dilmah Gourmet Earl Grey Iced Tea with Liquorice and Elderflower Float

Dilmah Gourmet Earl Grey Iced Tea with Liquorice and Elderflower Float

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Benjamin McManus
Volker Marecek

  • Sub Category Name
    Mocktails/Iced Tea
  • Recipe Source Name
    Real High Tea Australia Volume 2


  • 100ml Dilmah Gourmet Earl Grey tea (per serving)
  • 10g liquorice root
  • Lemon and green apple, sliced
  • Elderflower cordial

Methods and Directions

  • Prepare strong tea brew and cool completely
  • Prepare natural liquorice syrup without sugar by boiling liquorice root in 500ml water and reduce carefully by half, then set aside to cool
  • Combine cool tea brew, ice, lemon slices, stir thoroughly to chill and pour into tall glass
  • Add 30ml liquorice syrup to 15ml elderflower cordial. No sugar is needed here

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED © 2024 Dilmah Recipes| Dilmah Ceylon Tea Company PLC Printed From teainspired.com/dilmah-recipes 03/07/2024