Duck Confit Blueberry and Clove Gel

Duck Confit Blueberry and Clove Gel

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Peter Kuruvita

  • Sub Category Name
    Main Courses
  • Recipe Source Name
    Dilmah t-Series Recipes


Blueberry and Clove Gel
  • 1 cup Frozen Blueberries
  • 500ml White Chicken Stock
  • 2 teaspoons Balsamic Vinegar
  • 6g Natural Infusion of Blueberry and Clove Infusion
  • 10 cloves
  • Sea salt
  • 8g agar agar
Confit Duck
  • 6 Duck Legs
  • 2 kg Rock Salt
  • Thyme
  • Bay Leaves
  • Pepper Corns
  • Orange Zest
  • Oil
  • 2L Duck Fat

Methods and Directions

Blueberry and Clove Gel
  • Place blueberries in sauce pan with all ingredients except agar agar.
  • Bring to boil and simmer for 20 minutes
  • Strain and return to pan and reduce to 500ml, add agar agar and cook till dissolved.
  • Cool over an ice bath till set, transfer to a blender and puree till smooth.
  • Strain and keep in fridge
Confit Duck
  • Cure duck legs in salt and mix for 6 hours
  • Rinse off salt mix and vacuum pack (seal in a plastic bag) with oil
  • Sous-vide at 80 degrees overnight

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