Italian Almond Tiramisu – Italian Almond Tea

Italian Almond Tiramisu – Italian Almond Tea
Italian Almond Tiramisu – Italian Almond Tea

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  • Sub Category Name
  • Recipe Source Name
    Shangri-la Tea Cuisine
  • Activities Name
    Real High Tea


  • 5pcs Egg yolk
  • 50g Sugar
  • 5pcs Egg white
  • 50g Sugar
  • 500g Mascarpone
For the biscuit (sponge)
  • 7pcs Egg
  • 120g Sugar
  • 115g Cake flour
  • 10g Cornstarch
For the almond syrup
  • 300g Water
  • 300g Sugar
  • 30g Dilmah Italian Almond Tea

Methods and Directions

  • For the syrup, boil the water and sugar and add the tea leaves. You can do that one day in advance.
  • For the sponge, heat the egg and sugar and mix them with the high speed. When ready, add the flour and the starch. Cook in the oven around 13 minutes at 180°C. Keep on the side
  • For the Tiramisu, you need two bowl, one for the yolk and one for the egg white. The first one, yolk and sugar, mix them. The second one, egg white and sugar, mix them too. When both are finish, mix the first one with the mascarpone and add after that the egg white, do this gently, the mousse must be smooth.
  • Drain the syrup to take off all the leaves
  • If you want to do this in a glass, use the tiramisu mousse like that, but if you want to use it like a cake you must put some gelatin, for this recipe at least 10g.
  • Take the biscuit, pour some syrup add the mousse, make this two or three times, up to you.
  • For the decoration, some with chocolate and green tea powder.

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED © 2024 Dilmah Recipes| Dilmah Ceylon Tea Company PLC Printed From 03/07/2024