Japanese beef tataki, Dilmah Meda Watte tea pancake, white miso dressing

Japanese beef tataki, Dilmah Meda Watte tea pancake, white miso dressing

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  • Sub Category Name
    Main Courses
  • Recipe Source Name
    Real High Tea Australia Volume 1


Japanese Beef Tataki
  • 80ml soy sauce
  • 15ml rice wine vinegar
  • 15ml dry sherry
  • 10g castor sugar
  • 5ml sesame oil
  • 15ml olive oil
  • 550g eye fillet
  • 50g radicchio
Dilmah Meda Watte Tea Pancake
  • 250ml milk
  • 10g Meda Watte Tea
  • 5g salt
  • 2 egg yolks
  • 120g flour
  • 20g parsley
White Miso Dressing
  • 125ml mellow white miso paste
  • 125ml water
  • 125ml grapeseed oil
  • 75g honey

Methods and Directions

Japanese Beef Tataki
  • Combine the soy sauce, vinegar, sherry, sugar and sesame oil in a small jug.
  • Preheat oven to 180C. Heat the olive oil in a large frying pan over medium-high heat. Season the beef with salt and pepper. Add the beef to the pan and cook, turning occasionally, for 10 minutes or until browned. Transfer to a baking tray. Bake for 15 minutes for medium-rare or until cooked to your liking. Transfer to a wire rack over a plate to cool completely.
  • Transfer the beef to a large sealable plastic bag. Add the soy sauce mixture and turn to coat. Place in the fridge for 8 hours or overnight to marinate.
Dilmah Meda Watte Tea Pancake
  • Infuse the tea with the milk.
  • Beat the egg yolks while pouring in the milk mixture.
  • Sift the flour and salt.
  • Gently fold through.
  • Add parsley.
White Miso Dressing
  • Mix all ingredients together.

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED © 2024 Dilmah Recipes| Dilmah Ceylon Tea Company PLC Printed From teainspired.com/dilmah-recipes 03/07/2024