Misty Mountain Spice Tea

Misty Mountain Spice Tea

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  • Sub Category Name
    Hot Tea
  • Recipe Source Name
    The Dilmah Book of Tea inspired Cuisine & Beverage


  • 2g Dilmah English Breakfast Tea
  • 1 cup Water
  • ½ teaspoon Sugar
  • 1 Cardamom
  • Small piece of Cinnamon
  • 1 Clove
  • ½ slice of Lime
  • Small piece of Ginger
  • Dash of Vanilla Essence

Methods and Directions

  • Add the tea, spices, lime and ginger into 1 cup of hot water and brew for 5 minutes.
  • Strain into a teacup and add sugar and vanilla essence.

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED © 2024 Dilmah Recipes| Dilmah Ceylon Tea Company PLC Printed From teainspired.com/dilmah-recipes 03/07/2024