Peking Duck Wrapped in Black Tea Flavoured Peach Pancake

Peking Duck Wrapped in Black Tea Flavoured Peach Pancake
Peking Duck Wrapped in Black Tea Flavoured Peach Pancake

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  • Sub Category Name
  • Recipe Source Name
    Shangri-la Tea Cuisine
  • Activities Name
    Real High Tea


  • 700g Roasted Peking duck breast (thinly sliced)
  • 200g Julienne of peach in syrup
  • 5g Spring onion julienne (white part only)
  • 300g Cucumber, julienne
  • Peach sauce
  • Roasted sesame
  • Chervil leaves
For the peach puree
  • 400g Peach in syrup
  • 15g Peach tea leaves
  • 15cl Water at 90°C
  • 20g Butter
For the crepe
  • 250g Sifted all-purpose flour
  • 2pcs Whole egg (130g)
  • 25g Peach flavored black tea
  • 25cl Water
  • 5g Salt

Methods and Directions

  • Steep the tea in the water for 8 minutes. Strain.
  • In a liquidizer puree the peach till smooth.
  • In a sauce pot cook both puree and tea until it obtain a compote consistency.
  • Add butter.
For the crepe
  • Steep the tea in 90°C water for 8 minutes. Strain and allow to cool.
  • Mix in the flour and egg.
  • Add the tea (add water if necessary to have the proper consistency for the batter).
  • With a non-stick pan of 25cm diameter on medium heat, pour a small portion to make a wrapper.
  • Once the batter’s bubbles start to top, flip the crepe over to cook the other side.
Assembly / FInishing
  • With the crepe, wrap the duck, spring onion, cucumber and peach julienne.
  • String up the filled crepe in three different parts.
  • Cut the duck wrap in 3 portions from high to low 7, 5, 3cm.
  • Spoon and spray some peach sauce on the plate.
  • Line the duck wrap topping the brushed peach sauce.
  • Garnish with chervil, and toasted sesame.

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED © 2024 Dilmah Recipes| Dilmah Ceylon Tea Company PLC Printed From 03/07/2024