Peppermint Tea Cucumber Kurakkan Bread Sandwich
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The Chefs and the Tea Maker - 2010
Teas Used
- 1 large Green Cucumber, cleaned but not peeled
- 20g salt
- 1 no. Sandwich bread - Kurakkan
- Lettuce
- 1 tablespoon Dilmah Pure Peppermint Leaves
- 2 teaspoons Dijon Mustard
- 25ml Hot water
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 1 teaspoon Crushed Black pepper
- 1 egg
- 2 cups salad oil
- 2 tablespoons vinegar
Methods and Directions
- Brew Peppermint Leaves in hot water. Let it cool.
- Mix mustard, Vinegar, Eggs, Salt, Pepper and brewed Peppermint Leaves in a bowl. Whisk well. Add Oil a few drops at a time. Continue adding oil, beating constantly. When thick, stop beating and keep in fridge.
- Shred the cucumber and sprinkle salt. Allow to drain over a paper towel until most of the liquid is gone.
- Mix the creamy mayonnaise until smooth and spreadable and add the sliced, drained cucumber. Mix well. Spread a little amount of Mayonnaise over slices of bread.
- Arrange some cucumber mixture and lettuce. Then close the sandwich, cut into small, and crustless decorative shapes.
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