Rosehip & Hibiscus Infused Raspberry Chocolate Swiss Roll

Rosehip & Hibiscus Infused Raspberry Chocolate Swiss Roll

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  • Sub Category Name
    Main Courses
  • Recipe Source Name
    The Chefs and the Tea Maker - 2010


  • 125g Sugar
  • 100g Flour
  • 4 nos. Whole Eggs
  • 25g Cocoa Powder
  • 2 tablespoon Warm Milk
For Filling
  • 20g Dilmah Rosehip & Hibiscus
  • 3 nos. Whole Eggs
  • 150ml Water
  • 150g Butter Cream
  • 80g Raspberry
  • 20g Sugar

Methods and Directions

  • Pre heat oven to 220°C. Cook 80g Raspberry with 20g sugar until reduced to a consistency.
  •  Pour 150ml hot water into a pot and add 20g Rosehip & Hibiscus. Let it brew for 15 minutes. 
  • In a separate bowl whisk 3 whole eggs and sugar. Add brewed infusion. Whisk the mixture over a double boiler until thick. Remove from the heat and add raspberry mixture. Whisk well. When the mixture is cool add butter cream and mix thoroughly to form a thick cream.
  • Place egg whites in a clean bowl and beat until stiff peak forms. Add sugar gradually and beat until thick and glossy. Then add egg yolk one at a time. Beat well.
  • Lightly fold in flour, cocoa powder and warm milk. Pour into a greased baking sheet or Swiss roll tin.
  • Bake for 10-15 minutes. Turn out into an oil paper sprinkled with caster sugar. Roll up with oil paper and allow to cool on a wire rack. Then unroll and spread Hibiscus & Raspberry cream on the Swiss Roll and re roll without oil paper. Freeze for 2 hours. Then slice and serve.

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED © 2024 Dilmah Recipes| Dilmah Ceylon Tea Company PLC Printed From 03/07/2024