Silver Jubilee Ceylon Ginger Honey & Mint Tea Consomme with Confit Duck Leg Tortellini

Silver Jubilee Ceylon Ginger Honey & Mint Tea Consomme with Confit Duck Leg Tortellini
Silver Jubilee Ceylon Ginger Honey & Mint Tea Consomme with Confit Duck Leg Tortellini

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    Dilmah Silver Jubilee


  • 5L Duck Stock
  • 2 Large Onions, Peeled and Chopped
  • 6 Garlic Cloves Crushed
  • 1 Red Chili Chopped
  • 100g Fresh Ginger Sliced
  • 5 tbsp Honey
  • 60g Dilmah Silver Jubilee Ceylon Ginger, Honey and Mint Tea
  • 1tbsp Canola Oil
  • 1kg Egg White
  • 2 Lemon Rind or 1 Chopped Lemon
  • 2tbsp Jubilee Ceylon Ginger, Honey and Mint Tea
  • 2 Slices Fresh Ginger
  • 5 Large Fresh Mint Tea Leaves
  • 1/2 Chilli Sliced
Confit duck leg tortellini (10 portions)
  • 3 Duck
  • Duck Fat To Cover
  • 1tbsp Rock Salt
  • 1/2tbsp Crack Pepper
  • 30 Wonton Wrappers

Methods and Directions

  • In a pot sweat off the onion, garlic, ginger and chili in the oil for 5 minutes then add the honey and cook for 5 minutes without over caramelizing or burning the honey. Add the duck stock, bring to boil and simmer until reduce by ½. Make sure you skim the top of the stock frequently. Once reduced, pass thru a fine sieve and cool down.
  • In a bowl mix all the ingredients together. Put the cold duck stock in a pot, add the egg white mix and put on a low heat. Stirring constantly so that it doesn’t catch at bottom until the “Raft” comes up to the surface.
  • Turn off the heat and pass thru a really fine clothe to catch all impurity.
Confit duck leg tortellini (10 portions)
  • Mix salt and pepper together then rub the legs with it and marinate for 1hour. Wash off the leg and pat them dry. Put the leg on a tray ,cover with duck fat and cook in oven at 150 for 2 h to 2 ½ or until meat falls off the bone. Cool down and take the meat of the bone. Shred and seasoned to taste.
  • Take 30 round wonton wrapper and spoon duck leg mix on each of them. Wet the outside with water and brush, fold as ½ moon and then fold again to obtain a tortellini. Repeat until all 30 are done.
  • Keep aside refrigerated.
To Present:
  • Brew 2 litres for of the jubilee Ceylon, ginger, honey and mint tea for 4 minutes. Pass thru a fine sieve into a pot. Bring to boil and cook the tortellini for about 2 minutes or until the dough is cooked, drain and place into the serving dish. Garnish with a mint tip then pour the hot consommé on top and serve straight away.

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED © 2025 Dilmah Recipes| Dilmah Ceylon Tea Company PLC Printed From 23/02/2025