Tea Leaf Mysticism
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Nick Casely
- Sub Category Name
- Recipe Source Name
Shaken not Stirred, A Handbook on Tea Mixology
- Festivities Name
- Activities Name
Tea Mixology Bar Experience
- 10 ml Bols Kirsch
- 45 ml Dilmah Apple tea (brewed for 7 – 10 minutes and then refrigerated)
- 30 ml Bols Crème de Cacao
- 15 ml Bols Amaretto or orgeat syrup (for almond foam)
- 6 – 8 egg whites
Methods and Directions
- As you are preparing to cook dinner, take a pewter that holds approx 180 ml and place in the freezer.
- After dinner simply take some egg whites and whisk them up with some Ameretto or orgeat syrup and place in your refrigerator. (Approximately 6-8 eggs based on making 4.)
- Now pour a bar spoon of Bols Kirsch, Dilmah Apple tea and Bols Creme de Cacao in to a Boston glass, fill with ice and shake vigorously for 10-15 seconds.
- Double strain into your frozen pewter cup and layer the cold almond foam over the top.
- Serve on a saucer and garnish with calvados and cacao or chocolate over a bed of dried tea leaves.
- Serves 4.
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ALL RIGHTS RESERVED © 2025 Dilmah Recipes| Dilmah Ceylon Tea Company PLC Printed From teainspired.com/dilmah-recipes 24/01/2025
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