Way of the Dragon

Way of the Dragon
Way of the Dragon

0 made it | 0 reviews

Ernest Wong
Ng Wai Kee

A warm and inviting tea mocktail inspired by the Dilmah Vivid Series’ Chamomile tea is brewed with dried longans, red dates and honey.

  • Sub Category Name
    Hot Tea
  • Recipe Source Name
    Dilmah Real High Tea Global Challenge 2015
    Dilmah Vivid Tea


  • 4 oz. hot Chamomile Tea (Vivid Series)
  • 4 pcs dried Longan
  • 2 pcs dried Red Dates
  • 0.5 oz. Honey

Methods and Directions

  • Boil all ingredients together and serve strained into a Chinese tea glass.

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED © 2024 Dilmah Recipes| Dilmah Ceylon Tea Company PLC Printed From teainspired.com/dilmah-recipes 03/07/2024